Friday, July 26, 2024

Day 208 of 2024

Yes, that's a dahlia bulb. 
I guess I am now providing special treats for the squirrels.


Thursday, July 25, 2024

Day 207 of 2024

I've pinned paper triangles over my low temperatures 
for most of February and March to see how a couple options might look. 
I may try a couple other options too.
I'll live with these for a while before making a decision.


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Day 206 of 2024

Well, I finished my March house and connected the first row
 of the 2024 temperature quilt. 
I have to tell you that I'm not crazy about it so far. 
Because I decided I wanted to represent both the high
 and low temperatures each day, 
the houses are looking too busy for my taste. 
Or maybe it's just because I'm not liking the color combinations 
in the March house in particular. 
Maybe if I keep going I will like it better 
as the colors change in the warmer months. 
I'll be giving this some serious thought for a while 
because at this point in the process 
I would still be willing to remake the main portions of the houses, 
but if I go much further on this path, I may not.


Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Monday, July 22, 2024

Day 204 of 2024

I have found the tiny bag of security screws I thought were missing. 
They were stuck in one of the tiny pockets of the original packaging
 for the Ring which I had looked in, 
shaken and turned upside down several times before. 
This morning I did it all again and they fell out.  
My "replacement" parts have shipped 
and will still arrive later this week.


Sunday, July 21, 2024

Day 203 of 2024

Ever since we had a major theft from our front porch 
we've been meaning to get a video doorbell. 
We finally did and I am reading all the things
 to understand how to install and set it up. 
First, I have to wait for the parts that were missing from the box
 to be delivered later this week.


Saturday, July 20, 2024

Day 202 of 2024

Good morning! 
I'm so glad you could come to help me work today.