Saturday, June 28, 2014

Day 179 of 365

I guess I am having another indecisive day.
Here are a few shots from our walk to the grocery today.
These will turn a pinkish purple when they open up. 
Maybe tomorrow I'll just post one picture.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Day 178 of 365

I couldn't decide today which picture I liked better so here are two pictures of industrial rust.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Day 175 of 365

Downy Woodpecker at the suet cake. 
He actually has his tongue out.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Day 172 of 365

Ruby-throated Hummingbird. 
He's a fast mover.  I'll keep trying for a closer and more focused shot. 

Friday, June 20, 2014

Day 171 of 365

We were back at the Prairie again tonight, the first of the summer. 
Tonight's feature selection:  
"Rhapsody in Blue." 

It seems I like this shot.  It is very similar to the one I posted last time.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Day 170 of 365

While looking down the street on this rainy day, 
I am distracted by my umbrella. 

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Day 169 of 365

One of you said earlier in the year that you were not a fan of Yucca plants.
These are my Yuccas.  I did not plant them.  They came with the house.  
Well, I guess I technically did plant some of them.  
I moved some from one spot to another.  
They frame my driveway and welcome me home.  
They don't seem to want to bloom every year and I don't know exactly why.  
This year they decided to bloom.  
Here they are at just about dusk after a small downpour.  
I think they look like little bells.  
They make me smile.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Day 168 of 365

Fireball and I enjoyed a rare work night movie.  
It was a special event.  
If you get the chance to go see Wings 3D, it would be worth your while.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Day 166 of 365

To my husband, my two sons and my son-in-law, 
who are all wonderful fathers (and grandfather), 
I could not be happier or luckier to have you in my life.  
Happy Father's Day.

We ended our day with bubbles provided by Grandpa.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Day 165 of 365

What a fun day we had at the zoo with GB#1 and GB#2!
I think I am suffering from cute overload!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Day 164 of 365

I love my local thrift shops and garage sales. 
I am finding them great sources for all things boy.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Day 163 of 365

GB#3.  One week old. 
Favorite position - curled in a ball, held by Dad or Mom.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Day 161 of 365

I'm a little obsessed with chalkboards lately.
I try different lettering whenever I get a chance.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Day 158 of 365

I needed manual focus for this shot. 
Autofocus just couldn't keep up with him.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Day 155 of 365


I'm working from a list from a Flickr group called 114 Pictures in 2014 when it's late, 
the light is gone and I have no idea what to take a picture of.  
Although I'm not a part of the group this year (I was in 2012), 
it's nice to have a list of prompts to help out.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Day 154 of 365

I took a road trip today for a small quilting group and garden tour. 
The most amazing thing I saw was this giant white peony. 
I know you can't tell from the picture, 
but each bloom was at least seven inches in diameter!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Day 153 of 365

Captured almost in silhouette against the new slide, he's a man with a mission:  
Gather and eat all the maple seeds. 

I wanted to capture the robin taking his bath in the bird bath like Joanne did
but it is a bit too far away from my vantage point.  
I did spy this brown-headed cowbird though in my fountain.
She went from this,
to this,
and back to calm in five seconds. 
Of course, she repeated the sequence several more times.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Day 152 of 365

Fireball (DH) and I installed the floating shelves and the window treatment, 
both of which have been ready for a while, 
in the half bath today.