Friday, July 26, 2024

Day 208 of 2024

Yes, that's a dahlia bulb. 
I guess I am now providing special treats for the squirrels.


Thursday, July 25, 2024

Day 207 of 2024

I've pinned paper triangles over my low temperatures 
for most of February and March to see how a couple options might look. 
I may try a couple other options too.
I'll live with these for a while before making a decision.


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Day 206 of 2024

Well, I finished my March house and connected the first row
 of the 2024 temperature quilt. 
I have to tell you that I'm not crazy about it so far. 
Because I decided I wanted to represent both the high
 and low temperatures each day, 
the houses are looking too busy for my taste. 
Or maybe it's just because I'm not liking the color combinations 
in the March house in particular. 
Maybe if I keep going I will like it better 
as the colors change in the warmer months. 
I'll be giving this some serious thought for a while 
because at this point in the process 
I would still be willing to remake the main portions of the houses, 
but if I go much further on this path, I may not.


Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Monday, July 22, 2024

Day 204 of 2024

I have found the tiny bag of security screws I thought were missing. 
They were stuck in one of the tiny pockets of the original packaging
 for the Ring which I had looked in, 
shaken and turned upside down several times before. 
This morning I did it all again and they fell out.  
My "replacement" parts have shipped 
and will still arrive later this week.


Sunday, July 21, 2024

Day 203 of 2024

Ever since we had a major theft from our front porch 
we've been meaning to get a video doorbell. 
We finally did and I am reading all the things
 to understand how to install and set it up. 
First, I have to wait for the parts that were missing from the box
 to be delivered later this week.


Saturday, July 20, 2024

Day 202 of 2024

Good morning! 
I'm so glad you could come to help me work today.


Friday, July 19, 2024

Day 201 of 2024

I made a watermelon ice cream bombe earlier this week. 
Today we had the opportunity to cut into it. 
It was yummy but good photos were difficult to get. 
Cutting needed to be fast as it was melting quickly.


Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Day 199 of 2024

I found another box of decisions. 
There are no notes to tell us what belonged to whom. 
The very old doll is not in great shape and is super creepy. 
Ideas welcome for how to handle this kind of stuff. 
Let this be a reminder to put notes on things. 


Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Day 198 of 2024

It was an extremely frustrating day for me today 
so no projects were attempted.
 We went out for a calming dinner. 
Fireball and I shared Crispers (scratch-made potato chips) 
and Queso before our entrees. 
Now I am so thirsty and can't find the normal water 
I carry around with me throughout every day. 
This substitute hits the spot but I will be refilling it 
several times before I head for bed.


Sunday, July 14, 2024

Day 196 of 2024

I picked an unfortunate color of cup in which to put my orange sherbet 
as you cannot tell that it's actually orange. 
Regardless, it was delicious with the mini chocolate chips on top 
making it taste surprisingly just like dark chocolate covered
 candied orange peel, one of my favorite specialty candy treats. 


Saturday, July 13, 2024

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Day 193 of 2024

I looked up from my lunch and there he was, just outside my window. 
The goldfinches are loving my yard this year 
and I am loving that they are here.


Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Day 192 of 2024

I'm trying to get some home projects done here 
instead letting them stay stuck in the 90% done phase. 
Still to be done: 
Prep and repair surrounding wall, 
paint same wall, 
prep trim, cut trim, install trim, 
finishing caulk, 
reinstall over door shelf


Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Day 191 of 2024

We've had two pairs of bluebirds at the feeders lately. 
Today was one of those occasions.


Monday, July 8, 2024

Day 190 of 2024

Next to last load for Laundry Day. 
I always wash my red things separately. 
No matter how careful I am with all the variables, 
I have always had a problem with red things. 
So for a long time now, I only wash red things with red things.


Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Day 184 of 2024

It's been about a week since the last bird bath photo. 
It was an active day there so it seemed like a good time for another. 
And I just have to say that, besides the bird feeders, 
the bird bath is the best purchase I've made recently for the yard. 
It seems to be a hit with the locals.


Monday, July 1, 2024

Day 183 of 2024

Happy mail arrived today with these beauties
 I got from an online destash account. 
I am very excited about the possibilities.


Saturday, June 29, 2024

Day 181 of 2024

Fireball and I had some errands to run today. 
When we got home we found that our entry had been transformed 
into the shoe and accessory department of an upscale clothing store, 
complete with a checkout desk and the keys to the dressing room.


Friday, June 28, 2024

Day 180 of 2024

More office supplies. 
Different former owner. These belonged to Fireball's parents. 
They will find homes in the house in order to be used 
or will find their way into the donate box
 in order to find new owners.


Thursday, June 27, 2024

Day 179 of 2024

Today I'm going through some long unopened boxes. 
This one is one of Mom's marked "top of desk." 


Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Day 178 of 2024

This downpour eliminated my need to water the plants and flowers today.


Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Day 177 of 2024

The  forever scarf is taking a step back again tonight. 
There is a hole in the work just above the black and silver needle, 
near the edge on the right, 
at which point I had dropped two stitches. 
I have torn the knitting back 4 1/2" to that needle. 
It would have been impossible to pick up two columns for that distance 
and lack of yarn for it to look acceptable. 
It will be going into time out for now, 
but I feel like I need to rename this project. 
I feel that if I keep calling it "forever" it will always be that. 
I'll let you know when it's out of time out 
and I have a new name and destiny for this scarf.


Monday, June 24, 2024

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Day 175 of 2024

I was wondering how long it would take the squirrels
 to try to reach the feeders via the new sun sculpture
 meant for bird perching. 
It took about a week. 
It took several tries which were quite comical
 before this one got there. 
I may have to move the sun before it gets broken.


Saturday, June 22, 2024

Day 174 of 2024

It's hot here, really hot. 
GB#2 and GB#5 are ready for sprinkler games to begin.


Friday, June 21, 2024

Day 173 of 2024

I like to make the rounds and check on my plants. 
Today I checked on the hydrangea 
and found the tiniest flower buds on most of the stems I checked.


Thursday, June 20, 2024

Day 172 of 2024

Well, this can't be good. 
Power washing will be happening tomorrow with a new hose.
I do like the water droplets I captured though. 


Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Day 170 of 2024

Another recent transplant has decided to flower, 
and it looks like I'll have a few more in the next few days. 
This plant hadn't bloomed in several years in its former location.


Monday, June 17, 2024

Day 169 of 2024

I planted a couple coneflower plants next to my mailbox last summer. 
I had been checking to see if they would reappear this year. 
They did and I have recently begun checking for buds. 
Today I finally saw some. 
I'm so excited to see these in bloom again.


Sunday, June 16, 2024

Day 168 of 2024

Happy Father's Day to Fireball.
Today we attended an art fair to round out the weekend. 
See yesterday's post for our other big adventure.
We both agree it was a great weekend. 
Happy Father's Day also to our sons and son-in-law 
who have become wonderful fathers for their own families.


Saturday, June 15, 2024

Day 167 of 2024

Family outing. 
Nine of us went to a ball game. 
Despite the heat, we all had a good time. 
And the home team won.


Thursday, June 13, 2024

Day 165 of 2024

This is not how we planned to spend part of our day today. 
The quick version goes like this: 
About three weeks ago, we had the flooring replaced in this area of the house. 
When the flooring was done the installer hooked the water back up
 but did not turn it back on. 
I discovered this the first time I tried to start laundry after he was gone. 
Fireball turned the water on. 
Fast forward to today. 
I started a load of laundry on cool water setting. 
I opened the washer to add one thing I forgot 
and almost burned my hand in the very hot water. 
I mentioned this weirdness to Fireball. 
I grabbed the two water supply lines and found the hot was very cold
 and the cold was very hot. 
The installer failed to check to see 
if he was hooking the water supply lines
 to the correct spots.
Fireball and I got ready to fix the problem. 
The turn offs are very hard to turn. 
It felt like they were off, but water kept spewing everywhere. 
The laundry room began to flood with water
 as Fireball and I each tried to turn the water off. 
In the end, we got the water to stop, switched the supply lines, 
turned the water back on
 and I was able to finish my laundry with the cool water that I desired. 
I ended up doing an extra load to wash all the towels 
we had to use to mop up all the water. 
I guess the quick version didn't turn out so quick. 
Congrats if you actually got to the end.


Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Day 164 of 2024

We had quite a variety of birds at the feeders today. 
This guy, red-bellied woodpecker, got my vote for picture of the day. 
I got a new bird bath last year which the birds couldn't seem to find. 
I have moved it closer to the feeders just off the deck 
and now all the critters are enjoying it. 
They seem to be getting more comfortable with humans 
sitting out on the deck and have been venturing closer. 
I'm hoping to get some bird bath pictures to share soon.


Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Day 163 of 2024

I recently read a book that suggested that one should plan
 One Little Adventure and One Big Adventure each week. 
While it's not always easy to do, I try to make a conscious effort. 
This week, tonight's concert definitely falls into 
the One Big Adventure category. 
The entire concert was fabulous, but 
 this was probably my favorite moment. 
After two encore songs, there was still time left 
so James Taylor and his son, Henry, 
who had been singing backup all night, 
sang a duet of one my favorites - "You Can Close Your Eyes."


Monday, June 10, 2024

Day 162 of 2024

The last of the sunlight illuminates
 the last few leaves and the deck railing.


Sunday, June 9, 2024

Day 161 of 2024

I have been wanting to get something like this shallow shoe storage chest 
for some time for our laundry room, 
so when Fireball suggested we go take a look around IKEA, 
I thought it would be a great time to see what they had to offer.
I was really excited about the idea of this model until I got home 
and measured the space I have. 
It would be too tall for our space 
so I immediately started looking for woodworking plans 
to make my own to my specific dimensions.


Saturday, June 8, 2024

Day 160 of 2024

You know the saying about things getting worse before they get better? 
Well, I hope that's what's happening here. 
The steps of the monument have never looked worse. 
Oh, and can you see the tiny white building in the background on the left? 
That's where we're headed tonight.


Friday, June 7, 2024

Day 159 of 2024

Evidently this is called Common Milkweed. 
I'm out and about. 
If you've been here a while do you want to guess where I am?
Where am I?