Sunday, October 27, 2024

Day 301 of 2024

Web on Bridge 
Fireball opted for an outdoor adventure for his birthday. 
It was a grand day.


Saturday, October 26, 2024

Friday, October 25, 2024

Day 299 of 2024

One of my two favorite trees in fall. 
I think I take at least one picture of it each year. 
Later it will be all yellow and take my breath away.


Thursday, October 24, 2024

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Day 297 of 2024

It's been about ten days since my last photo of this dahlia
It has made great progress and will probably open much more, 
but the weather is about to get colder again
 and I'm not sure this one will get to full bloom. 
So I'm sharing this today in case progress stops.
If it doesn't, expect more pictures of the same flower. 
Upon inspection, I can see that I might have
 three more buds on different plants. 
If they make it, I'll show you those also.


Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Day 296 of 2024

Pileated Woodpecker.
This is the first time I have seen one at the feeders. 
I have only ever seen one in the woods before. 
She is huge.


Monday, October 21, 2024

Day 295 of 2024

I assembled some festive string lights. 
I need to figure out exact locations, 
but the two strands that I have will adorn our dining room...
I think.


Sunday, October 20, 2024

Day 294 of 2024

Someone famous is coming to town soon. 
The city is preparing by putting her image onto the side of a huge hotel. 
I can see it from the stadium where I am at a football game today
 and she will be performing in November.


Saturday, October 19, 2024

Day 293 of 2024

Update on the Spooky Hat:
I finished the pumpkins and moved on to the ghosts. 
The ghosts were finished this evening 
and I'll be moving on to moons and stars next.


Friday, October 18, 2024

Day 292 of 2024

Harvest Nights at Newfields is fabulous. 
It would be so hard to describe so I'll just say 
that there are so many pumpkins and surprises throughout. 
I'll leave you here with carved pumpkins
 hanging in trees with firefly lights. 
If you're in town, 
it's definitely worth the visit.
(Another One Big Adventure)


Thursday, October 17, 2024

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Day 290 of 2024

I started knitting this for Fireball a while ago. 
I must have gotten distracted because here it is unfinished. 
I guess it's time to get busy and finish it.


Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Day 289 of 2024

97% waxing gibbous.
Tomorrow is the full moon, 
but I could not pass up this shot of tonight's moon.


Sunday, October 13, 2024

Day 287 of 2024

I've got another dahlia getting ready to bloom. 
I believe this one will be different than the other two. 
My first bud took 3 weeks to fully bloom. 
The second one took only a week. 
I'm eager to see how long this one takes.


Saturday, October 12, 2024

Friday, October 11, 2024

Day 285 of 2024

This has always been a very favorite note pad. 
It occurs to me this is true because 
I love the color combinations included in the artwork. 
I have saved this photo in my "color" album on my phone. 
That is where I go for inspiration
 when planning a quilt or knitting project. 
It is good to know that when the notepad is gone 
I will still have the opportunity to experience the joy it brings me.


Thursday, October 10, 2024

Day 284 of 2024

Early voting has opened up downtown. 
Fireball and I voted and then had a midweek lunch date.


Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Day 283 of 2024

We finally ordered the newest Fiesta dinnerware color, sky. 
They didn't tell us when it was coming 
so it was a pleasant surprise when it arrived today.


Monday, October 7, 2024

Day 281 of 2024

It was too beautiful today to not sit out on the deck. 
The critters were out too.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Day 280 of 2024

I have dealt with eczema on and off for years. 
 Historically and currently it has been confined to my right hand. 
This morning I woke up with a blister and breakout ton my left hand. 
This doesn't make me happy so it's time
 to get consistent on the application of some relief.


Friday, October 4, 2024

Day 278 of 2024

I had an errand downtown today 
so I had the opportunity to see Fireball 
for a quick break outside his building.


Thursday, October 3, 2024

Day 277 of 2024

The project that needs to get done today is to clean the fan. 
I had only intended to take the grill off the front to get to the blades, 
but one thing lead to another and I disassembled the whole thing. 
Each piece has been washed and set in the sun to dry before reassembly. 
I am anticipating better sleep without dust being blown in my direction.


Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Day 276 of 2024

The day started out at the dentist where he was unable to get my mouth numb 
(My right jaw is quite sore from all the attempts)
and the procedure I was scheduled to have had to be scrapped. 
In the afternoon I noticed that something was missing. See photo. 
The rest of the moments of the day were not all bad 
so I can't call it a bad day, just a few bad moments. 
I do hope tomorrow will be without incident though.


Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Day 275 of 2024

I would ask "what is it?" for this item, but I looked it up today
 and thought I'd tell you what I found out. 
It measures about two  inches square-ish. 
It is a powder compact with a small mirror. 
It appears to be pre-1930 
so it is likely to have belonged to Fireball's grandmother. 
There are two wire loops near the top 
which seem to be for putting the compact on a chain 
to wear around the neck. 
The pink paint on the back is fairly chipped up 
so I suspect it was well used and loved. 

If you have any more information on pieces like this
 or have one of your own, I'd love to hear about it.


Monday, September 30, 2024

Day 274 of 2024

Since I've been working on my closet, dresser and the rest of the bedroom
 I have made significant progress. 
I still have a couple small bins of things to find space for
 and the top and first drawer of my dresser to sort through. 
I have donated four large bags of clothing and some household items. 
I'm finding the more I go through things, 
the easier it becomes to let go of more items. 


Sunday, September 29, 2024

Day 273 of 2024

On the walk to today's football game, 
we saw this giant version of our state flag.


Saturday, September 28, 2024

Day 272 of 2024

I am working through everything in my closet and my dresser. 
I came across a bin which contained some long forgotten jewelry.
 My unexpected job was silver polishing. 
I find it easier to put the cloth across my leg 
and rub the silver piece across the cloth 
rather than trying to rub the cloth on the small pieces. 
It creates quite a mess on my hand, 
but it is quite an effective method and washes off easily.


Friday, September 27, 2024

Day 271 of 2024

The remnants of Hurricane Helene are affecting our weather. 
It has been very rainy today 
and this evening it has gotten especially windy. 
Usually when it storms and the power goes out, 
the houses on streets to our east and to our west still have power. 
Tonight we heard a couple pops outside
 and our lights flickered and dimmed, 
but we never lost power.  
I looked outside and realized that the houses on the streets
 to our east and west do not have power. 
Our power company website says that over 60,000 customers 
are without power in the area. 
I feel lucky that we do 
but we have our lanterns ready in case that luck runs out.


Thursday, September 26, 2024

Day 270 of 2024

Every time our recycling bin gets emptied, 
the truck operator just throws it down. 
Every time.


Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Day 268 of 2024

I received my order of mums from a school fundraiser today. 
I guess it's time to swap out the tired summer annuals
 for the fall mums that are about to burst.


Monday, September 23, 2024

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Day 266 of 2024

I'll try to make this long story short. 
I'm still not feeling well. 
Fireball bought these for me to try so I can get a little relief. 
They don't taste too bad when you start chewing, 
but they are seriously nasty at the end. 
I may go look for something else at the store tomorrow.


Saturday, September 21, 2024

Friday, September 20, 2024

Day 264 of 2024

It's hard to get a picture when they are all at the house, 
but I was successful this time.
GB#3, GB#4, GB#2, GB#5

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Day 262 of 2024

Not my work.
My sister-in-law used to make knitted hats for preemie babies. 
She passed away in 1996 and left these unfinished 
with only seams and ends to be done.
At some point my brother asked me if I was interested in finishing them. 
I did, and today I took the donation to the hospital 
to be delivered to the NICU. 
I'm sure her gift will be greatly appreciated.


Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Day 261 of 2024

Another try. 
Alauna Clair-Obscur
I hope it opens all the way up.
 It should be very pretty.


Monday, September 16, 2024

Day 260 of 2024

The focus isn't right 
but I have second dahlia that appears to be ready to bloom.


Sunday, September 15, 2024

Day 259 of

I heard the familiar tune from the next neighborhood behind our house. 
I came to the front door to see if he would also come down our street. 
He did but I didn't get a close look at his sign indicating what he was selling 
until he was past our house. 
If I had known he was selling shaved ice instead of the normal ice cream, 
I certainly would have made a gallant effort to get him to stop.



Saturday, September 14, 2024

Day 258 of 2024

I suddenly starting feeling pretty puny this afternoon into evening.
We went out to grab take-out for dinner so I snapped this picture. 
I don't think there is a single thing in the shot that is in focus, 
so please enjoy the colors of this beautiful sunset. 

Friday, September 13, 2024

Day 257 of 2024

Hi, it's me. 
I cut my own hair today. 
My last haircut was approximately eleven months ago
 and I have been unsuccessful in finding someone to cut my hair
 as I haven't wanted to go back to any I've tried.
 I watched a video on how to cut your own curly hair, 
and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out


Thursday, September 12, 2024

Day 256 of 2024

T-bone gave me a Rubik's 2x2 cube to solve today. 
I had to think about it for a bit, 
but now I realize that is the same as the 3x3 solution
 with the elimination of several steps. 


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Day 255 of 2024

Fireball stopped at the grocery for some eggs and such. 
He also found Coke flavored Oreos and Oreo flavored Cokes. 
They came home with him. 
The cookies are not gluten free so I will not be trying them.
I'm not usually a fan of variations of an already good original food,
 but I'm looking forward to giving the Coke a little try 
just out of curiosity. 


Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Day 254 of 2024

This scarf that I started in early August 
seems to be a one step forward, two steps back project. 
I had gone an inch and a half past the marker near the needle
 when I realized I had too many stitches on my needle. 
I tore it back to the offending spot. 
The tricky part is getting the three edge stitches put back on the needle correctly. 
I think it's too technical to describe here but just know that I struggle with it 
and there are mistakes in this piece which will hopefully not show 
when I wear it wrapped and knotted around my neck this fall and winter.


Monday, September 9, 2024

Day 253 of 2024

I know I just posted a picture of this flower a few days ago, 
but it is filling in nicely. 
I can't decide if the lower portion is not filling out because the tuber is damaged 
or because it doesn't get as much sun being on the lower side of the flower. 
I'll keep watching it. 
I will definitely have to buy some new tubers next year 
and plant them earlier and properly. 
Hopefully that will keep the critters from digging them up 
and eating portions of them or just running off with them.