Saturday, August 31, 2024

Day 244 of 2024

Today we hiked with M and The Trumpeter around Snoqualmie Falls. 
It was definitely worth the drive.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Day 243 of 2024

Fireball and I went up to the rooftop bar of this hotel for the views. 
We were supposed to be able to see the mountain, 
but this new shiny building is obstructing the view. 
I did find the reflections on the building's mirrored windows 
interesting enough to warrant the picture anyway.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Day 242 of 2024

A great way to start our vacation is to eat quiche for breakfast
 from my favorite totally gluten free bakery in Seattle. 
This visit it is within walking distance from our Airbnb.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Day 241 of 2024

Adventure awaits and this time Fireball is with me. 
The Mt. Rainier sighting tells me we are almost there.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Monday, August 26, 2024

Day 239 of 2024

Flower check around the yard: 
The orange coneflower is making a second effort. 


Saturday, August 24, 2024

Day 237 of 2024

It was May when I last gave an update on this girl. 
She is still loving the window placement
 but the summer sun has been a bit drying. 
I repotted her with a second pot under the first to hold more water. 
It seems to have helped but overall the pot is still too small. 
I hesitate to fill the entire planter with soil 
but it may be my only good option 
as the roots barely fit in the current one.


Friday, August 23, 2024

Day 236 of 2024

I finally got outside to knit today 
and now that I have a system for knowing when to do the next increase, 
it's going to go much faster.


Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Day 233 of 2024

I mentioned in this post why I keep cards for color inspiration. 
I keep finding those I've saved
 in a variety of places throughout the house. 
Lately, I have begun taking photos of the items
 and saving that image in a dedicated album on my phone. 
Some physical items will still be saved
 in a binder reserved for this purpose.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Day 232 of 2024

Today was the most beautiful day. 
I put this umbrella up so I could sit outside and knit. 
I went inside to do something, 
probably switch laundry loads or look for something, 
and then forgot to go back out. 


Sunday, August 18, 2024

Day 231 of 2024

I checked on my dahlias today 
and if I can keep the rabbits, chipmunks and squirrels 
from eating this little bud, 
I might get to see my first one bloom.


Saturday, August 17, 2024

Day 230 of 2024

I went to my first (preseason) game this year. 
It was a beautiful day and the window was open.
I got to see a rainbow.


Friday, August 16, 2024

Day 229 of 2024

90% waxing gibbous.
The full moon will be Monday. 
(I especially love the craters that show up
 on the bottom left of the moon. Zoom in.)


Thursday, August 15, 2024

Day 228 of 2024

I need to remake a t-shirt by Saturday afternoon. 
Can I make it in time?


Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Day 227 of 2024

Not pictured in yesterday's photo was this lovely yarn I bought. 
I was looking specifically for yarn to make a scarf
 from this pattern which I already owned. 
I found this slate blue yarn made of merino, silk and yak. 
It is dreamy to touch. 
I wanted to get started on it before I left Seattle
 so a stop was made to buy the correct needle.


Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Day 226 of 2024

Yes, I took a quick trip to Seattle. 
Where am I answers are below.
Day 222: I'm not sure what building this artwork is on, 
but it was spied on our walk to a special ice cream establishment.
Day 223: Flock Fiber Festival with M.
Day 224: Smith Tower built in 1914 
Day 225: Seattle sky with beautiful clouds on the way to the airport
Day 226: This picture shows my Fiber Festival purchases (yarn) 
and my fabric and pattern purchases from a local stitcher's shop. 


Monday, August 12, 2024

Day 225 of 2024

It's been a quick trip and it's time to go home. 
Do you know where I've been? 
There are clues in the picture and there will be answers tomorrow.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Day 223 of 2024

If one goes to a fiber festival, there must be sheep, right? 
Do you know where I am yet?

Friday, August 9, 2024

Day 222 of 2024

I see more art. This time it's on a walk about. 
Can you guess where I am? 


Thursday, August 8, 2024

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Day 219 of 2024

I planted some dahlias very late, 
but eleven of my thirteen pots have some promising growth in them. 
I keep a check on them as often as possible 
I'm hoping that at least some of them get the chance to bloom
 before they need to be dug up and saved over the winter for next year.


Monday, August 5, 2024

Day 218 of 2024

I'm going on a short trip soon and would like to carry only
 this new backpack and a small purse, 
so today I am doing a test pack to see if I can make this happen.


Sunday, August 4, 2024

Day 217 of 2024

I finished my t-shirt a couple days ago 
and have a couple more things I'd like to sew this week. 
First up is the test version of the pattern I drafted back in May. 
I'll be making it from an old sheet from Fireball's parent's house. 
If all goes well, I will be making two final versions of this pattern.


Saturday, August 3, 2024

Day 216 of 2024

Fireball and I finally finished installing the indoor trim
 to our new sunroom door
 by reinstalling the over-the-door shelf. 
I forgot to take pictures while the sun was still out
 so this nighttime, indoor lit shot will have to do for now. 


Friday, August 2, 2024

Day 215 of 2024

Common Milkweed. 
I took a picture of this plant back in June 
and it looked totally different because it was blooming
At that time I asked the question Where am I? 
I see that I never posted the answer. 
This plant is growing near the railroad tracks 
which are on the way to the grocery store when I walk there. 


Thursday, August 1, 2024

Day 214 of 2024

It's hot and the squirrels like taking a rest now and then. 
It doesn't look especially comfortable to me, but then again, 
I'm not a squirrel.