I am working on looking through my bins of WIPs. (Works in Progress)
Some projects will not be finished and are getting dismantled.
The fabrics I still like will get put back on the fabric shelves.
Things I do not intend to keep are headed for a designated donation spot.
This is a set of blocks that I do intend to finish.
At the time I put it away I had decided to split the blocks up
and make two smaller quilts.
The original pattern called for small borders around each block
before sewing them together.
The blocks on the left were going to be my "yellow" quilt
and the blocks on the right were going to be my "pink/aqua" quilt.
I've decided to put them back into just one quilt.
I did a bunch of rearranging today
and have an idea where I am headed with this one
but probably won't show you until the top is sewn together.