Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Day 121 of 2024

This zipper pouch is done and off in the mail. 
I've put a notebook and my feet with it for scale. 
This is the largest size on the pattern.
Here's a peek of the back so you can see 
how I merged the initial with the unicorn fabric.


Monday, April 29, 2024

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Day 119 of 2024

I'm trying to merge this initial with some unicorn fabric. 
I'm having quite a time trying to
 wrap my head around how to get it just right. 
Maybe tomorrow.


Saturday, April 27, 2024

Day 118 of 2024

Today we took a road trip to celebrate and remember Fireball's parents 
whose birthdays and wedding anniversary all fall within a month's span. 
One stop found us at a small zoo. 
GB#2, GB#3, GB#4 and GB#5 all found themselves in an eagle's nest.


Friday, April 26, 2024

Day 117 of 2024

In order to use some surfaces, 
one needs to complete some projects 
that have been stacked up on them for some time. 
This is just a few of the trimmings from the calendars that become
 folders, note cards and gift tags once the year is over. 
You can find a similar post here with a better explanation of the activity.


Thursday, April 25, 2024

Day 116 of 2024

I just finished my fourth Marlo cardigan. 
This one's headed off to Little E 
with the other things I've recently made.


Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Day 115 of 2024

I've cut out the last of the items
 that need to be made and mailed by the weekend. 
This will be the fourth Marlo I've made so hopefully it will be a fast sew.


Monday, April 22, 2024

Day 113 of 2024

Puzzle is done. 
This was harder than it originally seemed.


Sunday, April 21, 2024

Day 112 of 2024

Looking back on the blog, 
it looks like it was January when I last worked a puzzle. 
I bought this 500 piece puzzle yesterday hoping GB#2 and GB#4 
might like to join me, but time did not permit it. 
I decided I would work it anyway. 
I'll finish it tomorrow between laundry loads.


Saturday, April 20, 2024

Day 111 of 2024

I've got another evidence of spring picture, 
this time from Big D and R's garden.


Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Day 107 of 2024

Another item is done for Little E. 
This tank top will match the comfy pants and cardigan 
I made for her last year from the same fabric. 
Now she'll have a set.


Monday, April 15, 2024

Day 106 of 2024

I just washed (and did't press) the tea towel I bought in Bermuda. 
I've decided it's better to use this kind of treasure 
so that it can evoke memories frequently 
as opposed to the only occasional time I might come across it 
as it sits pristine in the kitchen cupboard. 
And if it gets worn out, 
there will be more adventures on which I can buy new tea towels.


Sunday, April 14, 2024

Day 105 of 2024

I began again with a different cast on
 and have made some pretty good progress.


Saturday, April 13, 2024

Day 104 of 2024

Other People's Gardens 
Things observed on a neighborhood walk on this beautiful day.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Day 102 of 2024

The hostas (and the weeds) are quite enjoying our recent rainy days.


Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Day 101 of 2024

I  have finally updated the incomplete posts from our latest adventure. 
The posts begin with Day 86 and end with Day 93. 
It was a great adventure
 and there is no way to cover all the fun things we did 
in just one picture a day. 
I am considering a post over on my other blog 
as a wrap up that would contain more pictures. 
I'll let you know and link it up if that happens. 
In the mean time, I hope you enjoy the newly posted pictures.


Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Day 100 of 2024

I cast on something new today. 
 I've had this yarn for probably 20 years, intended for another pattern. 
I couldn't get it to work for that pattern
 so I am hoping I can get it to work for this one. 
If not, I will be rehoming the yarn with someone else
 who may be able to use it. 
I'm not thrilled with the cast on method
 my new pattern called for though 
as it feels a bit sloppy. 
I may do a few rows of the next stitch pattern
 to see how I feel about it then, 
but there is a good chance I will start over
 with my favorite cast on, the long tail.


Monday, April 8, 2024

Day 99 of 2024

The Total Solar Eclipse 2024 was the experience of a lifetime. 
This photo is the best I could do with my limited equipment 
and lack of research on how to actually capture the moment. 
Regardless, it's a great reminder.


Sunday, April 7, 2024

Day 98 of 2024

I've changed the dishes to keep with the theme of the 
Total Solar Eclipse tomorrow. 

I did not look up all the colors I've used here, 
but they are most of my yellows, 
some of my oranges, black, gray and one turquoise for the sky.


Saturday, April 6, 2024

Day 97 of 2024

We had a family gathering. 
There was lots of fun and laughter. 
GB#5 was a lion and later, a monkey.


Thursday, April 4, 2024

Day 95 of 2024

On Monday the total solar eclipse will be visible in our city, 
barring cloudy skies. 
We are ready.


Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Day 94 of 2024

There is rain and cloudy skies today 
with no sign of light showing up any time soon, 
but I did note that in the week we've been gone
 everything growing at the house has made huge advances. 
The hostas in the front yard have all come up
 and the Bradford Pear in the back yard is in full bloom.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Day 93 of 2024

It's time to go home, but first I have a couple updates for you. 
The two bags I made before our travels made it here with us
 and were given to Little E and L. 
They are meant to be used as dice bags which is what they will do. 
Because there are mesh divided pockets inside 
they could also be used for jewelry as was guessed on the What is it? post.

My goal of making the crocheted Wednesday doll did not happen. 
No matter what light I tried to work in, including bright daylight, 
it was impossible to see my stitches when working with the black yarn. 
I stopped my efforts and brought all the pieces with me. 
I offered it to Little E to make if she wished. 
She took up the challenge and finished it just after we departed. 
GB#1 was delighted to find that the figure was actually for her.

Monday, April 1, 2024