Sunday, September 15, 2024

Day 259 of

I heard the familiar tune from the next neighborhood behind our house. 
I came to the front door to see if he would also come down our street. 
He did but I didn't get a close look at his sign indicating what he was selling 
until he was past our house. 
If I had known he was selling shaved ice instead of the normal ice cream, 
I certainly would have made a gallant effort to get him to stop.



Saturday, September 14, 2024

Day 258 of 2024

I suddenly starting feeling pretty puny this afternoon into evening.
We went out to grab take-out for dinner so I snapped this picture. 
I don't think there is a single thing in the shot that is in focus, 
so please enjoy the colors of this beautiful sunset. 

Friday, September 13, 2024

Day 257 of 2024

Hi, it's me. 
I cut my own hair today. 
My last haircut was approximately eleven months ago
 and I have been unsuccessful in finding someone to cut my hair
 as I haven't wanted to go back to any I've tried.
 I watched a video on how to cut your own curly hair, 
and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out


Thursday, September 12, 2024

Day 256 of 2024

T-bone gave me a Rubik's 2x2 cube to solve today. 
I had to think about it for a bit, 
but now I realize that is the same as the 3x3 solution
 with the elimination of several steps. 


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Day 255 of 2024

Fireball stopped at the grocery for some eggs and such. 
He also found Coke flavored Oreos and Oreo flavored Cokes. 
They came home with him. 
The cookies are not gluten free so I will not be trying them.
I'm not usually a fan of variations of an already good original food,
 but I'm looking forward to giving the Coke a little try 
just out of curiosity. 


Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Day 254 of 2024

This scarf that I started in early August 
seems to be a one step forward, two steps back project. 
I had gone an inch and a half past the marker near the needle
 when I realized I had too many stitches on my needle. 
I tore it back to the offending spot. 
The tricky part is getting the three edge stitches put back on the needle correctly. 
I think it's too technical to describe here but just know that I struggle with it 
and there are mistakes in this piece which will hopefully not show 
when I wear it wrapped and knotted around my neck this fall and winter.


Monday, September 9, 2024

Day 253 of 2024

I know I just posted a picture of this flower a few days ago, 
but it is filling in nicely. 
I can't decide if the lower portion is not filling out because the tuber is damaged 
or because it doesn't get as much sun being on the lower side of the flower. 
I'll keep watching it. 
I will definitely have to buy some new tubers next year 
and plant them earlier and properly. 
Hopefully that will keep the critters from digging them up 
and eating portions of them or just running off with them.


Friday, September 6, 2024

Day 250 of 2024

My one dahlia that is showing any promise 
has made some progress in blooming. 
This one is aptly named "Seattle."


Thursday, September 5, 2024

Day 249 of 2024

I received this beautiful delivery today for my upcoming birthday.


Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Day 248 of 2024

We're homeward bound. 
In the background of this picture is our local airport
 which we flew right by 
in order to make the u-turn back
 to approach the runway from the correct direction. 
It's good to be home.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Day 247 of 2024

Today is our last full day in Seattle and we made the most of it. 
So many buses.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Day 246 of 2024

Today's adventure was another brunch and the Washington Park Arboretum.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Day 245 of 2024

Today was another outdoorsy day. 
After brunch we watched the boats navigate the locks
 and salmon trying to make it up the salmon ladder. 
We walked around a farmer's market and after a short break, 
we ended up here at Lincoln Park beach.