Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Day 235 of 2023

I have more than a couple striped shirts. 
A few of them are getting pretty ratty and need to be replaced. 
The other day while thrifting, I found a "new to me" striped shirt. 
As always it went directly into the wash. 
Today I decided to wear that shirt but couldn't find it. 
It was not hanging up to dry 
and I couldn't find it in my drawer of folded shirts. 
I went upstairs and downstairs more times than I can count 
checking and rechecking all the usual and not so usual places for the shirt, 
but the shirt was not to be found. 
Finally, I found the shirt on the left, not the one I was looking for, 
in one of the unusual places and realized it was not in the drawer
 as I had originally thought. 
The folded shirt on the right is the one I thought was the one on the left, 
but was actually the one I was looking for all along. 
It was right there in the drawer, folded, where it belongs.


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