Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Day 156 of 2024

So my forever project is taking a few steps back tonight.
 Long story- feel free to skip to the end. 
About ten rows after I added the new balls of yarn
 indicated here by the markers, 
I learned a new technique I wanted to try. 
I started using it there and was exceptionally pleased
 with the ease of the actual making of each stitch. 
After almost 100 rows I could tell that this new way of working 
was distorting the work and giving me uneven, lumpy, crooked stitches. 
I switched back to my previous method. 
Things improved. 
You can see this improvement in the last few rows in the picture. 
So tonight I decided that since it is my forever project, 
I might as well tear out the bad part and then continue on. 
I tore it all back to about the middle of the orangey section
 and started up again. 
After a few rows, I realized that I should have taken it back even further. 
I think tomorrow I will be tearing out what I knit tonight
 and then even more, 
back to just a few rows up from the markers. 
I will be much happier with the project if I do.


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